Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Research Studio - 'Threshold' Task

From the street the new police station is very much a dominating mass. The sheer scale of the building immediately asserts its new found authority that the former station did not possess. As you can see in the images of the model I have exaggerated the concept of this imposing facade by outweighing the scale of the human figure to the entry.

Compared to the colours and greenery of the street, once inside the station we are presented with a very stark, clinical architecture dominated by a clean crisp whiteness. The scale of the human on this interior side effectively shifts our sense of scale from the monumentality of the facade to the confinement of the cell. The police are supposed to serve us, but this building is very much for them and not the public.

Once again, rather than a literal reproduction of the building I have explored this 'new state of the art' building in an exaggerated way. The interior is devoid of colour; rather it is dominated by its new technical capabilities shown by the use of flashing lights, alarms and wires strung throughout the model.

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